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The Greater the Awareness, The Greater the Choice

The Greater the Awareness, The Greater the Choice

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” –Victor Frankl One question I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about after a decade of reading leadership books and...



Several years ago, I decided to learn more about investing in order to plan for retirement. I read a few books and took some classes. It all seemed so confusing at first. But I quickly learned that there are seemingly infinite ways to invest your money. And some...

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The Relationship Between Happiness and Success

The Relationship Between Happiness and Success

The modern formula for success is broken. In today’s world, most people act as if they believe that happiness will be a guaranteed result of success. But if that were true, everyone who got a promotion would be happier. Today’s BIG IDEA—Research shows that happiness...

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Are You Over-Gripping the Steering Wheel of Your Life?

Are You Over-Gripping the Steering Wheel of Your Life?

“Just hold on loosely, but don’t let go. If you cling too tightly, you’re gonna lose control.” –Donnie Van Zant, .38 Special  A few years ago, I hired a personal and executive coach who quickly became a significant mentor. One day when asking him for feedback, he said...

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Just Like Me…

Just Like Me…

 You’ve heard me say it before, but it’s worth repeating—the brain is a prediction machine. The brain’s primary purpose is to keep us alive—and the best way to stay alive is to predict things in our environment, avoid danger. But research clearly shows this innate...

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