
How Do You Define Success?
What is your definition of a “successful” life? It’s a question worth thinking about—and continually trying to answer. We are constantly bombarded with false—and unsatisfying—measures of success. So if we don’t take the time to consciously define it for ourselves, it...
Post-Traumatic Growth—8 Personal Practices for Navigating Crisis
Most of you have probably heard of PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, but you may not have heard of Post-Traumatic Growth. Many people who experience a traumatic event will end up with mental health symptoms like anxiety and depression that can be disabling....
Successful Failures
“Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, double your rate of failure.” –Thomas Watson (CEO of IBM) I don’t know about you, but I personally hate making mistakes. I hate feeling humiliated, incompetent, or unsuccessful. On the other...
Leadership During Crisis: Principles & Best Practices
With the recent events in Southern California, many of you may know people seriously affected by the fires. For that reason, I received a suggestion to post an article on leadership during a crisis. One of my favorite activities in the world is backcountry skiing...
Five Books on Money Everyone Should Read
“You either learn to manage money, or the lack of that skill will manage you for the rest of your life.” –Dave Ramsey At the start of a new year and after the holiday spending, money is a topic on many people’s minds. And according to Yahoo finance (July 2024),...
We Are What We Repeatedly Do
Today’s Big Idea—To a great extent, your life is the sum total of your habits. 99% of the time, people don’t change overnight. Change is almost always cumulative, it occurs over time. And your habits, good or bad—over time, will make or break you. Even centuries ago...
Do Not Despise Small Beginnings
“An overnight success is 15 years in the making.” –Dave Ramsey Above is a picture of the common water hyacinth—pontederia crassipes—a plant that is native to tropical and sub-tropical regions of South America. In one of the most important books I have ever read, The...