
Show Me Your Friends and I’ll Show You Your Future
Every so often, you hear a quote that changes your whole perspective. This one did that for me several years ago: “You are the average of the top 5 people you spend the most time with.” –Jim Rohn Stop and reflect for just a moment—Who is in your top five? How is this...
14 Behaviors That Increase Trust
“All things being equal, people work with people they like and trust. All things not being equal, people still work with people they like and trust.” –John Maxwell There is nothing more important than trust in leadership. Whether you are talking about leading your...
Solve Your Problems By Subtraction
The Big Idea: According to research, the human brain tries to solve most of life’s problems through adding solutions, instead of removing things that might easily fix the problem. For years I studied productivity. I took online courses, I read books and research, I...
What Leaders Can Learn from Volunteer Organizations
“All things being equal, people work with people they like and trust. All things not being equal, people still work with people they like and trust.” –John Maxwell Several years ago, when I was a new manager, I was having serious difficulties with a team member so I...
Unjack Yourself—Eliminate Chronic Busyness To Improve Your Health, Your Relationships, and Your Thinking
“Who can make muddy waters clear? Let it be only still, and it will gradually clear itself.” –Lao Tzu, The Tao Te Ching Lao Tzu penned these words more than 2500 years ago, but like all deep wisdom, his words still apply today—perhaps more relevant than ever before. I...
People Who Use More Emojis May Have Higher Emotional Intelligence
“The single biggest problem in human communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” –George Bernard Shaw Thanks to my colleague Dr. Kari Glenn for sharing this study with me. Have you ever received a text message that is so flat or neutral you can’t figure...
How Do You Define Success?
What is your definition of a “successful” life? It’s a question worth thinking about—and continually trying to answer. We are constantly bombarded with false—and unsatisfying—measures of success. So if we don’t take the time to consciously define it for ourselves, it...