Gratitude Is A Daily Discipline of Training Your Brain What To Pay Attention To
The BIG IDEA—The research is clear that gratitude changes your brain chemistry and wiring, your leadership results, your physical health, and the health of your organization. Gratitude is like a plant I love and appreciate my wife deeply, she is an amazing partner and...
The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Scale
A few years ago, I was going through a challenging chapter of life. I had a meeting with my coach at the time, and he recommended a strange exercise. At one point in our conversation, he stopped me and said, “Let’s imagine we climbed into a helicopter and flew up to...
What is Good or Bad? A Tao Parable
A farmer and his son lived on a farm in the countryside. They owned a beautiful horse they cherished deeply. The farmer entered the horse into a village contest and won first prize along with some money. When his neighbors gathered to congratulate him, they said...
How Badly Do You Want to Change?
Today’s Big Idea—Research identifies six stages of change people pass through when trying to change their behavior. Leaders need to understand these stages in order to make changes in their own lives, and help others grow. For almost 10 years, I worked as a...
The Greater the Awareness, The Greater the Choice
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” –Victor Frankl One question I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about after a decade of reading leadership books and...
What is the good life?—Research on the 7 Habits of Happy People
“Our greatest fear in life should not be of failure, but of succeeding in life at things that don’t really matter.” –Francis Chan The Big Idea: Whether you lead a business, a team, or a family—understanding the research on happiness is vitally important for...
Several years ago, I decided to learn more about investing in order to plan for retirement. I read a few books and took some classes. It all seemed so confusing at first. But I quickly learned that there are seemingly infinite ways to invest your money. And some...