A Strong Finish in 2024
Louis Zamperini was a skinny and scrappy kid from California—nicknamed the “Torrance Tornado” for his incredible speed in running events. If you haven’t heard of him yet, I have a blog post dedicated to his life story here, which is a short summary of what became a...
The Cost, Cause, and Cure for Workplace Burnout
Shortly after graduating from college, I was talking to a friend who was living in Central America. He had dropped out of college our senior year, and we all wondered what had happened to him. Apparently, he had decided to become a scuba bum. A short conversation was...
This Job Is Killing Me
The Big Idea—A global study published in 2021 by the World Health Organization and the International Labor Organization says that working more than 55 hours per week is now the leading occupational hazard—and significantly increases the chances of early death. Several...
From External to Internal Goals
*Photo by Greg Rakozy “Who you are inside is what helps you make and do everything in life.”— Fred Rogers (Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood) A few years ago, I was working on my annual goal list and sharing them with a mentor. When I was done sharing my goal list for the...
Give Less Than Your Best
*Photo by Charlie Hammond “Every dead body on Everest was once a highly motivated person…so maybe calm down.” –Anonymous I was recently talking with one of my team members about her training for a marathon. Now, I will say right up front that I am not a runner. I am...
The 5 Most Common Happiness Traps at Work
“Most people climb the ladder of success only to realize it was leaning against the wrong building.” –Stephen Covey Several years ago I had a shot at what I thought was my dream job. My life's passion was leadership and I loved the mission—so it seemed like a great...
Perfectionism—The Number One Joy Killer
In a prior post, I summarized the main findings from the 75-year study at Harvard on happiness. While reading the study, one sentence absolutely jumped off the page at me—"Perfectionism is the number one killer of happiness." Am I the only one who finds that shocking?...